I feel very bad about my shunning family and others while heavily into the cult. I have tried to come to terms with the fact that I now am shun and in a way I get to experience the harm I inflicted on people when a loyal dub. I have little if any anger over those that shun me as I understand their situation, and hold no grudges toward R&F but do have a very real hatred of these dumb asses at the top of the Watchtower policy making machine and would feel much glee over seeing these ass holes in jail or begging in the streets homeless. Because these guys are some seriously fucked up delusional megalomaniacs who will inflict harm of children causing them to become martyrs for their corporation, and putting children danger of being molested.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
aspects of shunning
by stan livedeath inmany members on here have been shunned.
we know whats its like--and the effect it has had on our lives.
but what about those of us who practiced shunning before--when we were members of the watchtower cult ?.
Brokeback Watchtower
April 2018 Watchtower
by Listener inhere's a few little gems from the latest watchtower.. 5 many today think that to be truly free, they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do, regardless of the consequences.. this statement is just ridiculous, any normal functioning individual understands the necessity for restrictions, for their own protection and justice as well as for others.
it's a very childish statement with no substantiation and written only to create a perception in jw minds of how worldly people are selfish to the point of being reckless and unrestrained.
they liken adam and eve's sinning which resulted in disaster as being like a pilot not following their designated flight path and make this commenthowever, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous.. this is a very bad analogy because when adam and eve sinned, they had already been forewarned of their disaster to follow.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think we can safely say the guy who wrote this article has some very narrow minded views about worldly people. Very opinionated. His views on sin are really off tract and heavily biased by Watchtower corporation directives which he views as God's mouthpiece.
A real black and white thinker with no in between. All anecdotal with out a shred of truth speaking to a highly gullible membership.
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Pot smoking, ok in California the first of the year.
by James Mixon inyour doctor prescribe cannabis (you are a depress jw), you show your prescription to the body of elders because someone saw you smoking pot.
i wonder how many elders will seek out that doctor to get the same medication.
what would be wrong with a jw lighting up a blunt after a hard day?
Brokeback Watchtower
I was first able to recognize I was in a mind control cult while smoking a nice big fatty by myself while surfing the internet reading information critical of the WT corporation. I think it makes you have different thoughts then the ones the WT programed you with. It's good for breaking out of old thought patterns and entertaining forbidden ones I suppose is a beneficial side effect.
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Brokeback Watchtower
I remember one time I took a big does of ayahuasca deep in the woods I brought a long a cd player with head phones and took a back pack with a tent. The CD I used was to sonically drive alfa, beta, waves beeps. eventually the beeps seemed to produce some very beautiful music all made in my own head. I went deep into my own psyche at that time bringing up all sorts of stuff from my unconscious.
My girl friend at the time encouraged my taking this medicine because it had the effect of making me a much kinder and thoughtful person which I attribute to it's illumination of my own dark side which I wasn't aware of.
I always prefer taking it alone and in private where I won't be disturbed for about 6 hours. That seemed to give me my deepest and most meaningful trips as I'm unencumbered with other people around and I can most be myself.
The Exponential Growth In Technology Spell A Rapid End For Bronze Age Diety Cults Like The Watchtower
by Brokeback Watchtower inas information floods the airwaves and available at one's finger tips in privacy.
thanks to incognito browsers one can do a search and keep it from family members with ease.
pretty soon one should be able to go to any kingdom hall and see very few youths only long time older ones.
Brokeback Watchtower
As information floods the airwaves and available at one's finger tips in privacy. Thanks to incognito browsers one can do a search and keep it from family members with ease. Pretty soon one should be able to go to any kingdom hall and see very few youths only long time older ones. I think the WT in an effort to bump up membership has focuses on the very young getting baptized to try and stem the tide of membership loss in these financially valuable members who have more potential for exploitation then the older ones who's income potential if fastly shriveling.
As well as shooting themselves in the foot by forbidding higher education for these young ones, they are willing to keep doing as the losses would be even greater if they didn't thru a more rapid decline in membership loss due to getting a paid for education.
Ayahuasca The Soul Herb
by new boy ini'm writing this tread for the people out there that are still looking for some kind of answers.
people who feel the void that any organized thought system can produce.
people who know there is more to this life than our daily routine which eventually will end, when we no longer exist.
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes I think it uncovers your shadow if you let it. It shows you your dark side which if accepted causes you to make course corrections.
Will Artificial Intellegence Make The Human Race Extinct?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.
Brokeback Watchtower
Elon Musk decision reminds of Star Trek and it's encounter with the Borg. But hey if it's blissful and happifying I might get one who knows?
Pacifism is Morally Indefensible
by cofty ini have been surprised recently to see so much support by ex-jws for the watchtower's refusal to fight and kill.
in my opinion it is a vice masquerading as a virtue.
of course war should always be a last resort but there are occasions that it has to be done.
Brokeback Watchtower
I do think that forums like this one where people can argue over things can be one form of education, along with some personal research in which one tries to deal with personal biases and not just use cherry picking to win an argument. That's the benefits of pro and con discussions as I see it. Long gone are the days of WT indoctrination where everyone speaks in agreement to a central organization.
Pacifism is Morally Indefensible
by cofty ini have been surprised recently to see so much support by ex-jws for the watchtower's refusal to fight and kill.
in my opinion it is a vice masquerading as a virtue.
of course war should always be a last resort but there are occasions that it has to be done.
Brokeback Watchtower
I agree with the education part but one must recognize the trouble of government inspired propaganda getting in the way of ones education or biasing one's education, as well as news media bias.
I would not rely too heavily on an education one gets free from the government and mandatory for it's citizens along with it's pledges of allegiance to the state.